Strategic Partnerships

Since our beginning in 1995, Monitech has become established as a leading specialist provider of safety and monitoring solutions to the mining industry in South Africa, sub-Southern African and across the globe. Monitech believes in establishing long-term, mutually beneficial partnerships with other best-in-class companies that share our vision of mining safety and our commitment to product and service excellence. Over the past several years, Monitech has partnered with a number of these OEM’s who are industry leaders in their respective fields, both internationally and in Southern Africa.
Matrix Design Group
Monitech are proud to be the sole African distributor of the Matrix Intellizone Proximity Detection System (PDS). Monitech and American-based Matrix Design Group LLC formed a strategic partnership in 2016 to continue advancing mining safety systems. This partnership allows Monitech to deliver cutting edge full section, leading edge proximity detection solutions to the Southern African Coal mining sector. This partnership provides the South African mining industry with new technological solutions.
Matrix Design Group LLC is the safety and productivity technology leader for mining and industrial applications. Its innovative product line includes systems for proximity detection, communications and tracking, atmospheric monitoring, lighting and cameras. The Matrix Intellizone System is the marker leader in the U.S. coal mining market on trackless mobile machinery.

Alliance Resource Partners
Monitech has a partnered with Alliance Coal, a highly reputable company and the 2nd-largest coal producer in the eastern United States. Alliance currently deploys and markets the Monitech Methane Gas System (MGS) across all their operations and into other independent coal mining groups across North America.
Monitech has been contracted as a J.H. Fletcher & Co. OEM authorized parts distributor / repair provider on all Fletcher mining equipment used on the coal mines in the Sub-Saharan Africa region.
This includes representing us in the following manner:
- Original Equipment Sales and distribution.
- Sub-assembly repairs.
- Machine inspections and audits.
- Start-up, commissioning, and training.
- Field service support.
- Future projects.
- Warranty claims and service support.
- Parts sales and supply.

Dynamic Resource Solutions
Monitech was appointed global strategic partner Africa in 2018 to Dynamic Resource Solutions (DRS), a leading safety equipment specialist based in Australia. DRS is a dynamic and independent company that focuses on safety. Established in 2012, innovation, quality and reliability through specialised dust suppression systems for underground and surface environments.
Dust Suppression Systems is an industry proven whole-dust suppression system for both underground and surface working environments. The complete system includes customisable hardware designed to optimally suppress various dust inflicted environments with additive. Using an exclusive foaming technology, Dust StopTM DS1001, suppresses dust in and around working environments as part of a whole dust reducing system thereby assisting in reducing occupational lung diseases and improving occupational health.
Monitech’s partnership with American Mine Door is the latest chapter of successful collaborations with key strategic partners. AMD originated as American Mine Door in 1906, as a company focused on global and innovative mining solutions. AMD custom manufacture Mine Doors that provide economical, safe, efficient, and practical ventilation control for all types of track and trackless mines, worldwide. This partnership is an extension of AMD value position, helping to open up new markets opportunities in the mining industry across the African continent.